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Great way to get motivated to train, lose weight, make friends, and gain discipline!



Class Description

Strength & Conditioning -

This class strengthens all the major muscles in the body for a head-to-toe workout. A “light weights, high reps, short recoveries” formula will build tension quickly and put high demand on your muscles to perform. Beginners and advanced levels alike will get an effective workout through a non-stop progression of movement motivated by energetic music! combined with HIIT style training.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Challenge your power, strength, and endurance during this circuit-based, high intensity training session. Let our coaches lead you through a workout using TRX, kettlebells, steps, bands, battle ropes, plyo boxes and more!


Age Group: For Ages 18 and up
Days And Time: Tuesday & Thursday 

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Length of Class: 60 minutes

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